Friday, June 2, 2017

June 5th- 8th

Happy last week of school!

Important Dates... check out more dates by clicking HERE
  • June 7th- Regular dismissal times
  • June 6th- Minimum Day (12:50); 6th grade promotion @ VPAT 6:00
  • June 7th- Minimum Day (12:50); 6th grade Waltz @ Jepson 5:30
  • June 8th- Last day for students, Super Minimum Day (11:50 dismissal)
  • June 9th- Last teacher work day

    Timberwolf Tips....

    Try this website with tons of great free lessons for art! These would make some fun end-of-the-year projects.

    End of the Year Activity- Making a map of year long learning

    How to Support Kids Through Times of Change- Many kids need the routine of school and have anxiety about the summer.

    Project ideas for the end of the year- Fun ideas for wrapping up the school year

    Markham Shout Outs....

    • Sal: Sal spends his free time making sure our students have tetherballs to play with at recess. I appreciate his willingness to help.
    • Norma: Thank you for organizing the Spanish Novel Knowledge. I love how it enforced a love of Spanish and gave students a challenge.
    • Guadalupe Avila: Stepping into 6th grade to sub for Jose's class. Though it's been a challenging assignment, she always has a positive attitude and a smile on her face. She is kind and fair with students. She is going to make a wonderful teacher.
    Let out a happy "howl" here -  Markham's Staff is HOWLing....

    Friday, May 26, 2017

    May 29- June 2


    Please devote at least 15 minutes during your specials block to teach MAY'S

    character trait: Hope

    I Hope You Dance- Lee Ann Warwick

    Important Dates... check out more dates by clicking HERE
    • May 29th- Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL 
    • May 31st- Last Day of Excel and pull-out ELD 
    • June 6th- Minimum Day; 6th grade promotion @ VPAT 6:00
    • June 7th- Minimum Day; 6th grade Waltz @ Jepson 5:30
    • June 8th- Last day for students, Super Minimum Day; Staff Thank You Breakfast (from PTO & SPICE boards)
    • June 9th- Last teacher work day

      Timberwolf Tips....

      Try this website with tons of great free lessons for art! These would make some fun end-of-the-year projects.

      End of the Year Activity- Making a map of year long learning

      How to Support Kids Through Times of Change- Many kids need the routine of school and have anxiety about the summer.

      Project ideas for the end of the year- Fun ideas for wrapping up the school year

      Markham Shout Outs....
      • Bobbie, Becky Ensley & Chantal: Thank you for holding the office down like a boss on Friday! You are AWESOME!!!
      • Erin Leggett: Erin has been a huge help to me since day one. She helped me move in, donated items to my class, and helped me pack up some boxes after school this week! Having someone else around made the work go by faster! 
      • Markham Teachers: Thank you for your patience and understanding with the delay in getting your Spanish RLA scores and DRA scores. Being out to spend time with my dad when he passed meant your scores where delivered less promptly. Karen S
      • Luci and Stephanie S.: Luci and Stephanie, for their help in compiling the Spanish RLA scores which is a lengthy process. Without you both, who are great team players, I wouldn't have gotten them done on Tuesday. Karen S
      • VTA Reps: Thanks for representing our teachers and carrying on our concerns!
      Let out a happy "howl" here -  Markham's Staff is HOWLing....

      Friday, May 19, 2017

      May 22nd- May 26th


      Please devote at least 15 minutes during your specials block to teach MAY'S

      character trait: Hope

      Activity: Help your students create an attainable goal they'd "hope" to achieve. Have them brainstorm strategies that will lead them to success.
      *Have students write and decorate their paper

      Important Dates... check out more dates by clicking HERE

      • May 24th- Staff meeting cancelled
      • May 26th- Beach Day
      • May 29th- Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL 
      • May 31st- Last Day of Excel and pull-out ELD 
      • June 6th- Minimum Day; 6th grade promotion @ VPAT 6:00
      • June 7th- Minimum Day; 6th grade Waltz @ Jepson 5:30
      • June 8th- Super Minimum Day; Staff Thank You Breakfast (from PTO & SPICE boards)
      • June 9th- Last teacher work day

      Happening Things:Girls On the Run- T/Th 3-4:30
      Markham Choir- Second Grade Hallway on Wednesdays before school
      Ballet Folklorico- Thursdays After school
      2017-2018 Registration has begun
      Art Smart- Tuesdays After school
      • African Drumming- rm 16
      • Clay- rm 15
      • Theatre/Movement- MPR

        Timberwolf Tips....

        Markham Shout Outs....
        • Becky: Thanks so much for being an awesome Mama Bird and helping me survive BTSA! Your advice and support has made the past two years so much easier!
        • Natalie Sylvester: Thank you for letting us use your room for the Reach meeting!
        • Marcela and Natalie: Congratulations on completing induction!!!! I've learned so much from both of you this year and it's been a pleasure to watch you grow as educators. I'm so proud of you ladies! -Stephanie
        • The Cafeteria Staff: Our cafeteria staff are always there with a smile for the kids and staff. They work hard to keep our babies fed.We are so lucky to have them!
        • Erin and Mady: Thank you for your commitment to BTSA! I've seen you both grow into amazing teachers for our students and colleagues for our staff. 
        • Omar: Thank you for guiding and teaching my boys during He Wolf.
        • Shannon: Always friendly to all who walk into the office. She shares her beautiful smile with everyone everyday. Thank you! 
        • Mike Milligan: Thank you for your willingness to pass the torch and setting up Abeline for success!
        • Yesenia: This school year wouldn't have gone as smoothly if it wasn't for you. Hands down the best BTSA mentor! Thanks for keeping me on top of things and always listening :)
        • Stephanie Sanders: Thank you for your years of thoughtful mentorship!  I know that I would not be the teacher that I am today without your guidance, advice, and support.  Thank you for your enthusiasm for teaching and collaboration! :) 
        Let out a happy "howl" here -  Markham's Staff is HOWLing....

        Monday, May 15, 2017

        May 15th- May 19th


        Please devote at least 15 minutes during your specials block to teach MAY'S

        character trait: Hope

        Important Dates... check out more dates by clicking HERE
        • May 16th- K-1 Writing Calibration @ ESC
        • May 17th- Staff meeting by program
        • May 19th- Parent Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast (see the Coaches' Newsletter for more info)
        • May 24th- Staff meeting
        • May 26th- Beach Day (tentative)
        • May 31st- Last Day of Excel
        • June 2nd- Beach Day (tentative)
        • June 6th- Minimum Day; 6th grade promotion @ VPAT 6:00
        • June 7th- Minimum Day; 6th grade Waltz @ Jepson 5:30
        • June 8th- Super Minimum Day; Staff Thank You Breakfast (from PTO & SPICE boards)
        • June 9th- Last teacher work day
        Happening Things:
        SBAC testing has begun! Remind your students to be quiet when passing through the common areas and please refrain from using programs that demand high bandwidth (videos, istation, etc. AR quizzes should be fine)
        Image result for testing meme

        Girls On the Run- T/Th 3-4:30
        Markham Choir- Second Grade Hallway on Wednesdays before school
        Exploring Biotechnology- Grades 3/4 Room 6 on Wednesdays for 5 weeks
        Ballet Folklorico- Thursdays After school
        Kinder Camp for high need incoming kindergarteners, Thursdays 1:30-2:30
        2017-2018 Registration has begun
        Art Smart- Tuesdays After school
        • African Drumming- rm 16
        • Clay- rm 15
        • Theatre/Movement- MPR

          Timberwolf Tips....

          Some interesting reads for the week:
          Building Choice Into Your Students' Reading- All about creating a literacy rich environment and motivating students to read.
          Teachers, It's Time We Appreciate Ourselves- Everyone feels a little burned at the end of the year. Here are some ways you can gift yourself.
          Ending on a High Note- A list of activities for the end of the school year.

          Markham Shout Outs....
          • Mrs. Schlafer-Miller: Being an educator is hands down the hardest thing i have ever done. But thanks to people like Becky, I have managed to not only survive, but blossom and enjoy my 2016-2017 school year. Thank you for always lending out a helping hand and a pair of attentive ears, you're the best!
          • Marcela: Thanks for your wordsmithing and focused attention at the last mission/vision staff meeting. It is difficult to have 20 adults (for our group) and the whole staff later to all be focused. Thanks for your leadership!
          • Head Custodian Dave: Thanks for your prompt carpet cleaning!!
          • Alicia Marin: Thanks for graciously letting us use your classroom for our pre kinder student and parent meetings! Space is at a premium here at Markham! And I know it interrupts your planning time.
          • Admin: Loved the Jamba Juice!
          • Luci: Thanks for organizing the volunteer appreciation breakfast. Sometimes we miss those extra things we should be doing to show our grattitude to all who make things happen here at Markham.
          Let out a happy "howl" here -  Markham's Staff is HOWLing....

          Friday, May 5, 2017

          May 8th- May 12th


          Please devote at least 15 minutes during your specials block to teach MAY'S

          character trait: Hope

          A fun song  to show our students that obstacles shouldn't get in their way and that they CAN overcome anything
          "Get Back Up Again"

          Important Dates... check out more dates by clicking HERE
          • May 8th- Leadership Canceled
          • May 16th- K-1 Writing Calibration @ ESC
          • May 17th- Staff meeting by program
          • May 19th- Parent Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast (see the Coaches' Newsletter for more info)
          Happening Things:
          SBAC testing has begun! Remind your students to be quiet when passing through the common areas and please refrain from using programs that demand high bandwidth (videos, istation, etc. AR quizzes should be fine)
          Image result for testing meme

          Girls On the Run- T/Th 3-4:30
          Markham Choir- Second Grade Hallway on Wednesdays before school
          Exploring Biotechnology- Grades 3/4 Room 6 on Wednesdays for 5 weeks
          Ballet Folklorico- Thursdays After school
          Kinder Camp for high need incoming kindergarteners, Thursdays 1:30-2:30
          2017-2018 Registration has begun
          Art Smart- Tuesdays After school
          • African Drumming- rm 16
          • Clay- rm 15
          • Theatre/Movement- MPR

            Timberwolf Tips....

            An interesting read on The Case Against Summer Countdowns. What are your thoughts?

            Markham Shout Outs....
            • Melissa, Rosie, and Sue: Thank you for taking my cousins from Mexico into your classrooms and being such awesome teachers! 
            • Stephanie Sanders: Stephanie came to my classroom to try and help me with testing. I so appreciate her willingness to help.
            • Alicia Marin: Thank you for letting us use your room for the Kinder Camp!
            Let out a happy "howl" here -  Markham's Staff is HOWLing....

            Monday, May 1, 2017

            May 1st- 5th


            Please devote at least 15 minutes during your specials block to teach MAY'S
            character trait: Hope

            Give every student a post-it note and give them the opportunity to send some words of encouragement to a fellow peer. Be sure they write the name of the student on it so  you can place it on their peer's  desk for them to see at the beginning of the day.

            Important Dates... check out more dates by clicking HERE
            • May 1st- SPICE Tours
            • May 3rd- Staff Meeting (Mission/Vision)
            • May 5th- Multicultural Evening Event
            • May 8th- Leadership Canceled
            Happening Things:
            Keep practicing SBAC!  Ask Stephanie if you need help!
            Girls On the Run- T/Th 3-4:30
            Markham Choir- Second Grade Hallway on Wednesdays before school
            Exploring Biotechnology- Grades 3/4 Room 6 on Wednesdays for 5 weeks
            Ballet Folklorico- Thursdays After school
            Parent Institute Quality Education (PIQE)- Thursdays from 6-7 in MPR
            2017-2018 Registration has begun
            Art Smart- Tuesdays After school
            • African Drumming- rm 16
            • Clay- rm 15
            • Theatre/Movement- MPR

            The SPICE parent Board and PTO have decided to change the 5 de Mayo evening to a Multicultural Evening this year. The idea is to feature countries from around the world. We will get more information later, but I wanted to give you a head’s up early on.
                    Briefly, teachers will be able to pick a country for their class to represent in the evening of May 5th. SPICE Board has Mexico and SPICE classes will have 1st bids on Latin American countries. REACCH can chose a country from anywhere around the world. That’s the basic idea for the evening, in a nutshell. Next Meeting is April 5th at 5:00.

              Timberwolf Tips...


              Markham Shout Outs....
              • JosĆ©: For making it to VP! 
              • Shannon: For all your help this past week :) 
              • Janine: Janine did a wonderful job organizing and setting up the jog-a-thon! My kids had so much fun! Thank you so much for your hard work on this event and on everything you do! 
              Let out a happy "howl" here -  Markham's Staff is HOWLing....

              Tuesday, April 25, 2017

              April 24th- April 28th


              Please devote at least 15 minutes during your specials block to teach APRIL'S character trait: PERSEVERANCE

              Brainstorm with students how they can show examples of "perseverance" within the classroom. As they practice for the SBAC, coach them through strategies that will keep them relaxed during practices and the real test.  Examples: breathing techniques, small brain breaks, positive affirmations, etc.

              Important Dates... check out more dates by clicking HERE
              • April 24- School resumes
              • April 24- 3rd grade Writing Rubric Calibration @ ESC
              • April 25- 4th and 5th grade Writing Rubric Calibration @ ESC
              • April 26- Admin professionals Day, scoring writing during collab, Staff Meeting (Mission/vision)
              • April 27- 2nd grade Writing Rubric Calibration @ ESC
              Happening Things:
              Keep practicing SBAC!  Ask Stephanie if you need help!
              Girls On the Run- T/Th 3-4:30
              Markham Choir- Second Grade Hallway on Wednesdays before school
              Exploring Biotechnology- Grades 3/4 Room 6 on Wednesdays for 5 weeks
              Ballet Folklorico- Thursdays After school
              Parent Institute Quality Education (PIQE)- Thursdays from 6-7 in MPR
              2017-2018 Registration has begun
              Art Smart- Tuesdays After school
              • African Drumming- rm 16
              • Clay- rm 15
              • Theatre/Movement- MPR

              The SPICE parent Board and PTO have decided to change the 5 de Mayo evening to a Multicultural Evening this year. The idea is to feature countries from around the world. We will get more information later, but I wanted to give you a head’s up early on.
                      Briefly, teachers will be able to pick a country for their class to represent in the evening of May 5th. SPICE Board has Mexico and SPICE classes will have 1st bids on Latin American countries. REACCH can chose a country from anywhere around the world. That’s the basic idea for the evening, in a nutshell. Next Meeting is April 5th at 5:00.

                Timberwolf Tips...

                Markham Shout Outs....
                • Jennie Rae: When a student in her class had nothing to wear to the reclassification ceremony, Jennie Rae bought the girl several dresses and let her choose one to wear. Thank you for taking such good care of your students and showing them the love that they need. You are such an awesome teacher and we are going to miss you next year.
                • Mike Milligan: Mike always has something positive to say. He is an encourager and I appreciate him.
                • David Cushing: Thank you for your positive attitude as you help us set up and clean up for the various events. We're so lucky to have you as part of the team!  
                Let out a happy "howl" here -  Markham's Staff is HOWLing....

                Thursday, April 6, 2017

                April 10th- April 14th


                Please devote at least 15 minutes during your specials block to teach APRIL'S character trait: PERSEVERANCE

                For the lower grades in English (Fast forward to 1:20)

                For the lower grades in Spanish (Fast forward to 1:20)

                For the upper grades:

                Important Dates... check out more dates by clicking HERE
                • April 10- Leadership Meeting CANCELLED
                • April 12- Staff Meeting by Program
                • April 13- Donuts with Dad 8- 8:30 AM
                • April 14-  No School :)
                • April 24- School resumes
                • April 24- 3rd grade Writing Rubric Calibration @ ESC
                • April 25- 4th and 5th grade Writing Rubric Calibration @ ESC
                • April 26- Admin professionals Day, scoring writing during collab, Staff Meeting (Mission/vision)
                • April 27- 2nd grade Writing Rubric Calibration @ ESC
                Happening Things:
                Keep practicing SBAC!  Ask Stephanie if you need help!
                Girls On the Run- T/Th 3-4:30
                Markham Choir- Second Grade Hallway on Wednesdays before school
                Exploring Biotechnology- Grades 3/4 Room 6 on Wednesdays for 5 weeks
                Ballet Folklorico- Thursdays After school
                Parent Institute Quality Education (PIQE)- Thursdays from 6-7 in MPR
                2017-2018 Registration has begun
                Art Smart- Tuesdays After school
                • African Drumming- rm 16
                • Clay- rm 15
                • Theatre/Movement- MPR

                The SPICE parent Board and PTO have decided to change the 5 de Mayo evening to a Multicultural Evening this year. The idea is to feature countries from around the world. We will get more information later, but I wanted to give you a head’s up early on.
                        Briefly, teachers will be able to pick a country for their class to represent in the evening of May 5th. SPICE Board has Mexico and SPICE classes will have 1st bids on Latin American countries. REACCH can chose a country from anywhere around the world. That’s the basic idea for the evening, in a nutshell. Next Meeting is April 5th at 5:00.

                  Timberwolf Tips...

                  Remember to keep up your positive statements! Strive for 4 positives for every 1 negative.

                  Don't think about a pink elephant...

                  Markham Shout Outs...

                  • Everyone: Thank you everyone for the cards, flowers, gift cards to Starbucks, letter, posters from students, letters from students, text messages, emails, well wishes, and food. You all have showered me with so much love and appreciation. I truly believe in giving flowers when one can smell them but my goodness you all have given so much more. I thank you genuinely from the bottom of my heart <3
                  • Everyone: Thanks everyone for helping me collect water bottles for Science Saturday! I love how our school rallies to help each other.
                  • Michelle from PTO: Thank you for a wonderful AR breakfast for our students.  They were so happy and excited.  That was a lot of work and organization but so worth it!!! Thank you.

                  Let out a happy "howl" here -  Markham's Staff is HOWLing....

                  Friday, March 31, 2017

                  April 3rd- 7th


                  Please devote at least 15 minutes during your specials block to teach APRIL'S character trait: PERSEVERANCE

                  Bruno Mars- Don't Give up (This one is for you, Gabby!)

                  Janelle Monae- Power of Yet

                  Important Dates... check out more dates by clicking HERE
                  •    Ask Stephanie if you need help!
                  • April 3 & 4- Mobile Dairy Classroom
                  • April 4- SPICE Info Night 6p
                  • April 5- Calendar Meeting (8AM) & Staff Meeting (3:05)
                  • April 6- Elementary Reclassification Ceremony- WCW Theatre 7pm
                  • April 7- Gorgeous Gal
                  • April 8- Super Science Saturday 8-12
                  • April 13- Donuts with Dad 8- 8:30 AM
                  Happening Things:  
                  Girls On the Run- T/Th 3-4:30
                  Markham Choir- Second Grade Hallway on Wednesdays before school
                  Exploring Biotechnology- Grades 3/4 Room 6 on Wednesdays for 5 weeks
                  Ballet Folklorico- Thursdays After school
                  Parent Institute Quality Education (PIQE)- Thursdays from 6-7 in MPR
                  2017-2018 Registration has begun
                  Art Smart- Tuesdays After school
                  • African Drumming- rm 16
                  • Clay- rm 15
                  • Theatre/Movement- MPR

                  The SPICE parent Board and PTO have decided to change the 5 de Mayo evening to a Multicultural Evening this year. The idea is to feature countries from around the world. We will get more information later, but I wanted to give you a head’s up early on.
                          Briefly, teachers will be able to pick a country for their class to represent in the evening of May 5th. SPICE Board has Mexico and SPICE classes will have 1st bids on Latin American countries. REACCH can chose a country from anywhere around the world. That’s the basic idea for the evening, in a nutshell. Next Meeting is April 5th at 5:00.

                    Timberwolf Tips...

                    Read the article here about using role play to teach social-emotional skills.

                    Markham Shout Outs....
                    • Marcela: For letting us use her classroom for the SPICE program meeting
                    • Alicia B: For EVERYTHING she has done for Markham!
                    • Alicia B: You will be missed! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to our school! Stop emailing at 3 am :) 
                    • Jennie Rae: Thank you for all your FOSS support! From giving advice to providing materials, your kind guidance has been invaluable. Best of all, it's an excuse to visit and get to know you better!
                    • Jessica: Thank you for being an awesome teacher and colleague!  Your thoughtfulness and hard work are reflected in our students' enthusiasm for learning!  Thanks for your continued support and words!
                    Let out a happy "howl" here -  Markham's Staff is HOWLing....

                    Friday, March 24, 2017

                    March 27-31


                          Please devote at least 15 minutes during your specials block to teach MARCH'S character trait: COURAGE
                    Activities: "Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway" . Write this quote on the board and have students in a group to write and illustrate the meaning.

                    Dont forget to submit the names of students that have shown Courage this month:   Click Here

                    Important Dates... check out more dates by clicking HERE
                    •    Ask Stephanie if you need help!
                    • March 27- Third Grade AR 8:55; Fourth 2:05
                    • March 28- K/1 AR 8:55; Second Grade 10:40; Fifth/Sixth 2:05
                    • March 29- Staff Meeting- SPED Review
                    • March 31- Cesar Chavez Assembly- SPICE 
                      • 9:00– 9:10 opening, seating, etc (Luci or Rafael)
                        9:10-9:20 kinders do something
                        9:20-9:30– 1st graders
                        9:30-9:40– 2nd graders
                        9:40-9:50– 3rd graders
                        9:50-9:55– whole audience will sing together– Las manaƱitas
                    • April 3 & 4- Mobile Dairy Classroom
                    • April 4- SPICE Info Night 6p
                    • April 5- Calendar Meeting & Staff Meeting:  SBAC
                    • April 6- Elementary Reclassification Ceremony- WCW Theatre 7pm
                    • April 7- Gorgeous Gal
                    • April 8- Super Science Saturday 8-12
                    Happening Things:  
                    Girls On the Run- T/Th 3-4:30
                    Markham Choir- Second Grade Hallway on Wednesdays before school
                    Exploring Biotechnology- Grades 3/4 Room 6 on Wednesdays for 5 weeks
                    Ballet Folklorico- Thursdays After school
                    Parent Institute Quality Education (PIQE)- Thursdays from 6-7 in MPR
                    2017-2018 Registration has begun
                    Kinder Pre-Assessments- 3/20 and 3/23
                    6th grade Parent Meeting at Jepson 3/16
                    Parent Meeting for Spanish Speaking Parents 3/21
                    Art Smart- Tuesdays After school
                    • African Drumming- rm 16
                    • Clay- rm 15
                    • Theatre/Movement- MPR
                    The SPICE parent Board and PTO have decided to change the 5 de Mayo evening to a Multicultural Evening this year. The idea is to feature countries from around the world. We will get more information later, but I wanted to give you a head’s up early on.
                            Briefly, teachers will be able to pick a country for their class to represent in the evening of May 5th. SPICE Board has Mexico and SPICE classes will have 1st bids on Latin American countries. REACCH can chose a country from anywhere around the world. That’s the basic idea for the evening, in a nutshell. Next Meeting is April 5th at 5:00.

                      Timberwolf Tips...

                      For our primary teachers - the following link shares fun activities that will build students' number sense :)

                      Markham Shout Outs....

                      • Shannon Pike: Shannon is always friendly and helpful.
                      • Ruby Esparza,Norma Guerrero, Jenny Rae, Lucy del rio, Rafael Soler, Stepahnie Sanders, Nakaren Hamid:  I want to thank all of these people for giving support and sending out good vibes to help me pass the Spanish CSET, thank you guys so much
                      • Jessica: Thanks for keeping us caffeinated. :)
                      • Cindy (yard duty): Thanks for going out of your way to help the kids and always writing reports!
                      • Yard duties: Thanks for making it a point to say hello to our shy students who need to be noticed and seen.
                      • Laura Vanhoy and Natalie Sylvester: They put together a great GLAD unit on elephants for the first grade team to help with our descriptive writing. You both ROCK!!!!!

                      Let out a happy "howl" here -  Markham's Staff is HOWLing....

                      Thursday, March 16, 2017

                      March 20-24


                            Please devote at least 15 minutes during your specials block to teach MARCH'S character trait: COURAGE

                      What does COURAGE look like?

                      Have students draw a picture that demonstrates courage . At the top have them title it
                      "Courage is ___________________ "

                      Dont forget to submit the names of students that have shown Courage this month:   Click Here

                      Important Dates... check out more dates by clicking HERE
                      •    Ask Stephanie if you need help!
                      • March 21- ELD Professional Development- REACcH 2, all 3-6, RSP, SDC 3:00-5:00 paid
                      • March 22- Program Meetings- rooms TBD
                      • March 27- Third Grade AR 8:55; Fifth/Sixth 2:05
                      • March 28- K/1 AR 8:55; Second Grade 10:30; Fourth 2:05
                      • March 29- PBIS Mtg 8:05, Staff Meeting- SPED Review
                      • March 30- Cesar Chavez Assembly- SPICE 
                      • March 31- Evacuation Drill
                      • Novel Knowledge:
                      • Monday, March 20 -  1:45pm-2:45pm, Tuesday, March 21 - 1:45pm - 2:45pm, Wednesday, March 22 - 8:45am - 9:45am, Thursday, March 23 - 1:45pm - 2:45pm 
                      • All teams that have qualified for the competition will be invited to a pizza lunch at Roundtable Pizza on Friday, March 24 from 12:00pm - 1:30pm, where the winner will be announced.  Janine still needs parent drivers.  Send parents to Janine that want to drive students to Roundtable on Friday, March 24th.
                      Happening Things:  

                      Markham Choir- Second Grade Hallway on Wednesdays before school
                      Exploring Biotechnology- Grades 3/4 Room 6 on Wednesdays for 5 weeks
                      Ballet Folklorico- Thursdays After school
                      Parent Institute Quality Education (PIQE)- Thursdays from 6-7 in MPR
                      2017-2018 Registration has begun
                      Kinder Pre-Assessments- 3/20 and 3/23
                      6th grade Parent Meeting at Jepson 3/16
                      Parent Meeting for Spanish Speaking Parents 3/21
                      Art Smart- Tuesdays After school

                      • African Drumming- rm 16
                      • Clay- rm 15
                      • Theatre/Movement- MPR
                      The SPICE parent Board and PTO have decided to change the 5 de Mayo evening to a Multicultural Evening this year. The idea is to feature countries from around the world. We will get more information later, but I wanted to give you a head’s up early on.
                              Briefly, teachers will be able to pick a country for their class to represent in the evening of May 5th. SPICE Board has Mexico and SPICE classes will have 1st bids on Latin American countries. REACCH can chose a country from anywhere around the world. That’s the basic idea for the evening, in a nutshell. Next Meeting is April 5th at 5:00.

                                DATE CHANGE!!! The assembly is now scheduled for Friday the 31st because the jogathon moved to another day.
                      Tentative Assembly Schedule:
                      9:00– 9:10 opening, seating, etc (Luci or Rafael)
                      9:10-9:20 kinders do something
                      9:20-9:30– 1st graders
                      9:30-9:30– 2nd graders
                      9:30-9:45– 3rd graders

                      9:45-9:55– whole audience will sing together– Las manaƱitas

                      You spoke and we heard you.  We are currently reviewing the SBAC schedule and will be making changes.  There will be a schedule to complete SBAC and to complete all STAR testing by 5/23.  More information to come.

                        Timberwolf Tips...

                        Check out this video on narrating positive behavior in the classroom: (source)

                        Markham Shout Outs....
                        • Carly and Aaron: Thank you to our PE teachers for offering their office space so that our counselors can have a private and confidential place to meet with students.
                        • Carly and Aaron: Thank you for allowing our YSS Counselors to conduct counseling in your office.
                        • Karen S: Thanks Karen for organizing all of the data for the grade level meetings.
                        • Classroom teachers: Thank you for your participation at the grade level data meetings! I loved the spirit of collaboration and "can-do" attitude that you all brought.
                        • Stephanie Sanders: Thanks for making the PD fun and engaging! You got us up and out of our zone out zone.
                        • Rafael and Alicia: Thank you for being at EVERY SINGLE IEP. We appreciate your support and know it takes a lot of time and mental stamina to sit through these IEPs! 
                        • Heather: Thank you for being patient with us while we schedule IEPs! We appreciate it! :)
                        • Sylvia: Thank you for dealing with me raiding your classroom asking about goals/dates/timelines/etc while you are in there working with students! You never turn me away, and for that I am grateful! 
                        • Shanti: Thank you for being flexible and letting me do speech sessions in your classroom and being okay with me moving all your things around and taking over your teaching table!   
                        • Laurel: Thank you for getting so many last minute evaluations done and reports written. We would be in a very sticky situation if it weren't for your willingness to help! You've been very patient with the team and we appreciate you! 
                        • Danesa: Allowing her room to be used for a biotechnology class after school on Wednesdays during her prep time. Thank you on behalf of our 3rd and 4th grade students.   
                        • Jennie Rae: Thank you for sharing your teaching insights!  Your positive attitude, dedication, and support made a real difference this week!  I look forward to further collaboration! :) 
                        • Stephanie S: Thank you for your engaging PD. 
                        • SPED Team: Thank you for trudging though these IEPS. 
                        • Office Staff: Thanks for all you do during March Madness 
                        • Sue: High five for the collaboration <3
                        Let out a happy "howl" here -  Markham's Staff is HOWLing....