Please devote at least 15 minutes during your specials block to teach MAY'S
character trait: Hope
I Hope You Dance- Lee Ann Warwick
Important Dates... check out more dates by clicking HERE
- May 29th- Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL
- May 31st- Last Day of Excel and pull-out ELD
- June 6th- Minimum Day; 6th grade promotion @ VPAT 6:00
- June 7th- Minimum Day; 6th grade Waltz @ Jepson 5:30
- June 8th- Last day for students, Super Minimum Day; Staff Thank You Breakfast (from PTO & SPICE boards)
- June 9th- Last teacher work day
Timberwolf Tips....
Try this website with tons of great free lessons for art! These would make some fun end-of-the-year projects. https://www.theartofed.com/lesson-plans/
End of the Year Activity- Making a map of year long learning
How to Support Kids Through Times of Change- Many kids need the routine of school and have anxiety about the summer.
Project ideas for the end of the year- Fun ideas for wrapping up the school year
Markham Shout Outs....
- Bobbie, Becky Ensley & Chantal: Thank you for holding the office down like a boss on Friday! You are AWESOME!!!
- Erin Leggett: Erin has been a huge help to me since day one. She helped me move in, donated items to my class, and helped me pack up some boxes after school this week! Having someone else around made the work go by faster!
- Markham Teachers: Thank you for your patience and understanding with the delay in getting your Spanish RLA scores and DRA scores. Being out to spend time with my dad when he passed meant your scores where delivered less promptly. Karen S
- Luci and Stephanie S.: Luci and Stephanie, for their help in compiling the Spanish RLA scores which is a lengthy process. Without you both, who are great team players, I wouldn't have gotten them done on Tuesday. Karen S
- VTA Reps: Thanks for representing our teachers and carrying on our concerns!
Let out a happy "howl" here - Markham's Staff is HOWLing....