Friday, June 2, 2017

June 5th- 8th

Happy last week of school!

Important Dates... check out more dates by clicking HERE
  • June 7th- Regular dismissal times
  • June 6th- Minimum Day (12:50); 6th grade promotion @ VPAT 6:00
  • June 7th- Minimum Day (12:50); 6th grade Waltz @ Jepson 5:30
  • June 8th- Last day for students, Super Minimum Day (11:50 dismissal)
  • June 9th- Last teacher work day

    Timberwolf Tips....

    Try this website with tons of great free lessons for art! These would make some fun end-of-the-year projects.

    End of the Year Activity- Making a map of year long learning

    How to Support Kids Through Times of Change- Many kids need the routine of school and have anxiety about the summer.

    Project ideas for the end of the year- Fun ideas for wrapping up the school year

    Markham Shout Outs....

    • Sal: Sal spends his free time making sure our students have tetherballs to play with at recess. I appreciate his willingness to help.
    • Norma: Thank you for organizing the Spanish Novel Knowledge. I love how it enforced a love of Spanish and gave students a challenge.
    • Guadalupe Avila: Stepping into 6th grade to sub for Jose's class. Though it's been a challenging assignment, she always has a positive attitude and a smile on her face. She is kind and fair with students. She is going to make a wonderful teacher.
    Let out a happy "howl" here -  Markham's Staff is HOWLing....