Friday, September 16, 2016

September 19-23

Be Safe          Be Respectful           Be Responsible


Girl's On the Run #GOTR

This week we enjoyed the grand opening of the PAW SHOP!!!  The kids were excited and loved their purchases.  Thank you to the Romo family for volunteering.  Thank you to the parents and teachers for all their donations!  Next week's PAW SHOP will be held near the third grade bathrooms.

RESPECT Lessons/Activities

Respect Activities:

Complete an activity to go along with your lesson. You may choose to

incorporate an activity into your lesson at any time. Oftentimes visuals and

experiments are very effective at the beginning and will get your students excited

about the lesson. Chose 1 or 2 activities to complete during the lesson.

Self Portrait​ (suggested for grades 3­-5)

Have the students draw a self­ portrait. Now have them pass their portrait to

another student. Instruct the students to do something damaging to the portrait

such as scribble on it, draw a mustache, poke a hole in it, tear it etc. Just have

them do one thing then pass it to another student and have them do another

destructive thing to the portrait. After about 3­5 turns, return the portrait to the

original owner. Ask them how they felt about what their peers had done to their

portrait. Did it make them happy or sad? Were they embarrassed if someone

didn’t like their portrait? Did it make them feel bad to damage someone else’s

work? Talk about how this relates to bullying, gossip, or mean remarks.

Simon Says: "Who are You?" ​(Suggested for grades K – 2)

Students play a variation of Simon Says that highlight their similarities and

differences. The objective is to teach respect and tolerance for each other. Tell

them to watch carefully as they play the game because at the end each student

must tell one new thing they learned about a classmate. Begin the game like this:

Simon Says: "Everyone with brown eyes, stand up."

Simon Says: "Everyone

who has a cat, put your right hand up."

Simon Says: "Everyone whose favorite

sport is basketball, stand on one foot." Simon Says: "Everyone who speaks more

that one language, jump up and down." Simon Says: "If you like to eat spinach,

nod your head, and so on.

At the end of the game have students sit down in a circle. Ask each to student to

share something new they learned about another student. Discuss respect for

each other’s uniqueness and how to appreciate our differences.

PBIS Data at Markham

Good News Referrals: 28
Discipline Referrals: 18

Let's keep up the good work!

Shout Outs...

Shannon- Shannon has the patience of a saint!!! she is always calm, cool, and collected no matter how chaotic or crazy the front office can be. I am so glad that she is a point person for our parents (and teachers!), as she is patient, kind, and genuinely cares. Thanks, Shannon!!!!

Carly Wudel- Ms. Wudel is a very welcoming teacher (along with all Markham teachers). She was encouraging to my student in his first time in her PE class.

Karen Sellers- Mrs. Sellers works so hard to make sure my students that are in Excel are fit with the right group.

Madeleine O'Rear- Ms. O'Rear is another inclusive teacher that makes all students feel welcome.

All Markham Custodian staff!- Every chance I get I teach my cubs that custodians should be seen, respected and appreciated just as much if not more than any teacher or office staff is. I would like to shout out all that ensure that Markham is clean and ready to go! So thank you Linda, Rolando, Kevin, and any others that I am missing for all that you do!

SPED Team-  Attending Soup to Nuts

Romo Family- Volunteering to provide us with a PAW SHOP


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