As we prepare for our winter break, please highlight the importance of CARING with your students. CARING is an integral part of the holiday season -- weave CARING into your lessons and discussions!
Please refer to your PBIS Handbook for lesson ideas and videos to teach December's character trait.
One person can impact and inspire others
One person can impact and inspire others
Staff Reminders
- Please make every effort to take attendance every day by 9:30 AM.
- During the first 10 minutes of the school day, the office staff will directing students to their classroom without signing in.
Vacation Shut down procedures
- Please remember to shut off your heater systems and computers before you leave on Thursday.
- The office will be close at 1:30 PM on Thursday.
Professional Development
- All Being a Writer professional development sessions are required. Teachers please make sure that you put them on your calendar ahead of time.
Staff Meetings in January
There will be a staff meeting on January 11th from 3:15 to 4:15PM
There will be a staff meeting on January 17th. Lynn Solari from Sacramento State will be making a presentation on the morning meeting. This presentation should last no more that one hour and we will begin at 3:15PM. I asked Lynn to present because I wanted to see how many of you might be interested in going through the 8 week training. This addresses the social and emotional needs of our students and aligns with our LCAP goals. The training will occur after school once a week for 8 weeks.
There will be a staff meetings on January 25th for 3:15-4:15 PM. We will be discussing our mission and vision work more in depth and the two programs we have at Markham.
Important Dates
Friday, Dec. 16: Parent and Student Surveys due!
Monday, Dec. 19: AR Awards (K-1st 9:00am, 3rd 9:35am, 5th-6th 1:50pm)
Thursday, Dec. 22: Minimum Day, 8:40am-12:50pm (Pajama Day)
Thursday, Dec. 22: AR Awards (4th 9:00am, 2nd 9:55am)
Friday, Dec. 23: No school/Start of winter bre
Monday, Dec. 19: AR Awards (K-1st 9:00am, 3rd 9:35am, 5th-6th 1:50pm)
Thursday, Dec. 22: Minimum Day, 8:40am-12:50pm (Pajama Day)
Thursday, Dec. 22: AR Awards (4th 9:00am, 2nd 9:55am)
Friday, Dec. 23: No school/Start of winter bre
Discipline Data for the month of December
Good News Referrals: 69
Disicipline Referrals: 23
For File Only: 12
PBIS Staff Spotlight...
Yolanda Nelson,
SPICE Board Member
Timberwolf Parent
Jepson Staff
Each week we will shine the PBIS spotlight on an amazing member of the Markham community. Although we play different roles and serve different functions in our school community, we ALL are responsible for supporting a positive, inclusive school climate! This week, we hear from Yolanda Nelson, who has a unique perspective as a Markham parent AND Jepson employee - Jepson also implements PBIS at their school, so Yolanda's insight and experience is so valuable! Read on to find out Yolanda's take on positive behavior supports and interventions.
1. In all of your roles - at Jepson, with SPICE, being a Timberwolf parent - you see kids of all ages and work with teachers, families, students and staff at all grade levels. Do you notice anything in terms of behavior that is consistent across your roles?
At Jepson, I see kids who want very badly to belong and try to "figure out who they are" in the process. Sometimes this can result in positive outcomes - finding a passion for drama, music, art, etc., though at times it can result in kids making more impulsive decisions.
As a parent, I think that bullying - especially on social media - is something I see kids have difficulty with.
2. What does Jepson do to support PBIS that you have seen be effective?
I really like that students are formally recognized as part of PBIS; we do have Paws of Pride, but we also have Academic Excellence awards...even students who didnt meet the academic goal, but still made progress, receive awards, which I think helps keep them motivated. Another thing that we do is recognize students who have made an impact on the Jepson community by improving their character - students who may have been bullies but made attempts to better their character are recognized, which I like.
3. PBIS requires that students and staff "buy in" to reinforcing and acknowledging more good behavior than bad. What do you see as a parent and staff that works well?
At Jepson, I like that we use opportunities to involve and include peers when possible. For example, students that have high academic achievement get to serve a leadership and helpful role in our school community, as they are selected to tutor other peers who may need academic support. This is a great way to create community and also encourage students to be responsible community members.
4. Is there anything about the way that Markham approaches/implements PBIS that you would change?
I think it would be great to get parents involved in PBIS efforts, as well. Knowing what behaviors our kids are rewarded for in school makes it easier to reinforce these at home. Getting kids to *want* to better their behavior is difficult, because I think as a society we can be very quick to judge and correct - rather than facilitate learning.
5. Imagine that you are able to receive Paws as an adult for good behavior. What reward would you choose to spend your Paws on, if the # of Paws did not matter?
(ex: favorite food, a trip to ______, a day in bed, etc.)
Well, I would use my PAWs to go towards parties for our students!!! I think fun, festive, informal activities help build community and it is a great message to send our kids - we are all in this together!
SPICE Board Member
Timberwolf Parent
Jepson Staff
Each week we will shine the PBIS spotlight on an amazing member of the Markham community. Although we play different roles and serve different functions in our school community, we ALL are responsible for supporting a positive, inclusive school climate! This week, we hear from Yolanda Nelson, who has a unique perspective as a Markham parent AND Jepson employee - Jepson also implements PBIS at their school, so Yolanda's insight and experience is so valuable! Read on to find out Yolanda's take on positive behavior supports and interventions.
1. In all of your roles - at Jepson, with SPICE, being a Timberwolf parent - you see kids of all ages and work with teachers, families, students and staff at all grade levels. Do you notice anything in terms of behavior that is consistent across your roles?
As a parent, I think that bullying - especially on social media - is something I see kids have difficulty with.
2. What does Jepson do to support PBIS that you have seen be effective?
I really like that students are formally recognized as part of PBIS; we do have Paws of Pride, but we also have Academic Excellence awards...even students who didnt meet the academic goal, but still made progress, receive awards, which I think helps keep them motivated. Another thing that we do is recognize students who have made an impact on the Jepson community by improving their character - students who may have been bullies but made attempts to better their character are recognized, which I like.
3. PBIS requires that students and staff "buy in" to reinforcing and acknowledging more good behavior than bad. What do you see as a parent and staff that works well?
4. Is there anything about the way that Markham approaches/implements PBIS that you would change?
5. Imagine that you are able to receive Paws as an adult for good behavior. What reward would you choose to spend your Paws on, if the # of Paws did not matter?
(ex: favorite food, a trip to ______, a day in bed, etc.)
Well, I would use my PAWs to go towards parties for our students!!! I think fun, festive, informal activities help build community and it is a great message to send our kids - we are all in this together!
Citizenship Awards...
This month is flying by. Please remember to choose ONE student in your classroom that has exemplified Caring MONTH. Click on the Citizenship Awards link to list your student NOW. Other students you would like to recognize can be praised by using Good News Referrals and PAWS, which each staff member has received.
This month is flying by. Please remember to choose ONE student in your classroom that has exemplified Caring MONTH. Click on the Citizenship Awards link to list your student NOW. Other students you would like to recognize can be praised by using Good News Referrals and PAWS, which each staff member has received.
Timberwolf Tip...
Check out these tips for "nurturing a culture of kindness" within your classroom. These are some great suggestions for class routines and norms that will help internalize positive thinking and proactive behaviors within your students.
Markham Shout Outs....
This week, Mr. Milligan passed his trophy to Danesa Espinoza, saying...
"Today is my opportunity to pass the PBIS trophy, and so I will take this opportunity to recognize one of my educational heroes, Danesa Espinoza. I have had the opportunity over the years to observe Danesa many times, and every time I am in her classroom, I have that feeling that all is right with the world. Because of her ability to affirm students and make them feel important, you believe that she just got handed all the best students who don’t have any character issues. When you observe some teachers, you are struck by what great disciplinarians they are and how they control a difficult group. Danesa just seems to teach and you don’t notice the work she has done to be able to do that, just teach.
When I was a resident teacher, and when I was a BTSA provider, she was the one teacher I always wanted to make sure my students observed. Not only does she provide a wonderful, safe place to learn, but she is the poster child for comprehensible input and lowered affective filter. Even after creative teaching and thinking was banned by the District in 2005, she managed to incorporate many of the GLAD strategies she learned before PI, an amazing feat.
So Danesa, it will be with great pleasure that I present you the PBIS trophy at the staff meeting this afternoon. My greatest hope as a teacher is that someday I can be as good a teacher as you are. "
Other shout outs:
Shannon- Thanks for having such a positive attitude and always ready with a welcoming smile:)
Admin and office staff- For all their help with my special student!
Alicia Blacknell- Alicia always has a smile for me this makes me feel happy around campus.
Helen- Helen is always there to help when you need it. Thank you!
Jennie Rae- Thank you for hosting the Reach meeting this week!
Omar- I would like to recognize Omar for the time he spends with his students at lunch and recess, getting them involved in playground activities.
Stephanie S- Thank you Stephanie for teaching a lesson in my class.
2-6 ELD teachers- On Tuesday afternoon, room 9 was filled with hard working teachers busy planning and moving forward with ELD for Markham.
Carly- Carly is a trouper! She is welcoming to all students. So glad she's on our campus.
Michael Milligan- Thank you for hosting the SPICE meeting this week!
Office Staff- Thank you for spreading the holiday cheer! I can't believe how many holiday sweaters you all own!
Helen and Stephanie J- Thank you for the opportunity to team-teach GLAD with you all!
Luci- Thank you for supporting our grade level teams with GLAD.
Carly and Aaron (Pappa Bear and Aunty Bear) - Thank you for making P.E. a fun experience for my kiddos, and making them feel safe and loved <3
Stephanie- Thank you for rearranging your schedule to support other staff members.
Check out these tips for "nurturing a culture of kindness" within your classroom. These are some great suggestions for class routines and norms that will help internalize positive thinking and proactive behaviors within your students.
Markham Shout Outs....
This week, Mr. Milligan passed his trophy to Danesa Espinoza, saying..."Today is my opportunity to pass the PBIS trophy, and so I will take this opportunity to recognize one of my educational heroes, Danesa Espinoza. I have had the opportunity over the years to observe Danesa many times, and every time I am in her classroom, I have that feeling that all is right with the world. Because of her ability to affirm students and make them feel important, you believe that she just got handed all the best students who don’t have any character issues. When you observe some teachers, you are struck by what great disciplinarians they are and how they control a difficult group. Danesa just seems to teach and you don’t notice the work she has done to be able to do that, just teach.
When I was a resident teacher, and when I was a BTSA provider, she was the one teacher I always wanted to make sure my students observed. Not only does she provide a wonderful, safe place to learn, but she is the poster child for comprehensible input and lowered affective filter. Even after creative teaching and thinking was banned by the District in 2005, she managed to incorporate many of the GLAD strategies she learned before PI, an amazing feat.
So Danesa, it will be with great pleasure that I present you the PBIS trophy at the staff meeting this afternoon. My greatest hope as a teacher is that someday I can be as good a teacher as you are. "
Other shout outs:
Shannon- Thanks for having such a positive attitude and always ready with a welcoming smile:)
Admin and office staff- For all their help with my special student!
Alicia Blacknell- Alicia always has a smile for me this makes me feel happy around campus.
Helen- Helen is always there to help when you need it. Thank you!
Jennie Rae- Thank you for hosting the Reach meeting this week!
Omar- I would like to recognize Omar for the time he spends with his students at lunch and recess, getting them involved in playground activities.
Stephanie S- Thank you Stephanie for teaching a lesson in my class.
2-6 ELD teachers- On Tuesday afternoon, room 9 was filled with hard working teachers busy planning and moving forward with ELD for Markham.
Carly- Carly is a trouper! She is welcoming to all students. So glad she's on our campus.
Michael Milligan- Thank you for hosting the SPICE meeting this week!
Office Staff- Thank you for spreading the holiday cheer! I can't believe how many holiday sweaters you all own!
Helen and Stephanie J- Thank you for the opportunity to team-teach GLAD with you all!
Luci- Thank you for supporting our grade level teams with GLAD.
Carly and Aaron (Pappa Bear and Aunty Bear) - Thank you for making P.E. a fun experience for my kiddos, and making them feel safe and loved <3
Stephanie- Thank you for rearranging your schedule to support other staff members.
Stephanie- Thank you for rearranging your schedule to support other staff members.
Let out a happy "howl" here - Markham's Staff is HOWLin
Let out a happy "howl" here - Markham's Staff is HOWLin
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