Friday, December 2, 2016

December 5- December 9


Image result for care bears

Our character trait for the month is CARING!  Please take at least 15 minutes this week to present one of the lesson activities in your PBIS handbook!

Important Dates

  • Leadership 12/5
  • Staff Meeting 12/7
  • Evacuation Drill 12/9 apprx. 10:00 am- nomination for students due
  • Super Saturday 12/10


Check in/Check out:

Purpose- To prevent students who are acting out from escalation and provide them with more frequent feedback on their behavior to prevent future problem behavior

Who- Students who do not respond to Tier I school-wide interventions, students with repeated referrals, students seeking adult attention; low level behavior

Steps-  1. Referral based upon discipline data 2. Parent/Teacher/Tier II Meeting  3. Student Check in/out daily with written feedback  4. Positive Incentives for 80%+  5. Graduation once behavior improves

How-  Explicitly teaching expected behavior to student, structured prompts for appropriate behavior, opportunities to practice and positive feedback, strategies for fading support as new skills are gained, system for communicating with families, and regular data for monitoring student progress

Discipline Data from 11/28

Good News Referrals: 11 
Disicipline Referrals: 8

PBIS Staff Spotlight...

Andrea Lara Garcia, 
Support Staff
GOTR Coach

Each week we will shine the PBIS spotlight on an amazing member of the Markham community. Although we play different roles and serve different functions in our school community, we ALL are responsible for supporting a positive, inclusive school climate!  Read on to find out Andrea's take on positive behavior supports and interventions. 

1. Your job as Support Staff/Yard Duty means that you see kids of all ages and work with teachers at all grade levels.  Do you notice anything in terms of behavior that may be different from younger/older grades?

Mostly I see lots of roughhousing and horseplay in younger grades.  With older students, it is mainly using profanity.

2. What are some reasons that you have given students Paws?  What specific behaviors did you reinforce?

When  I see students going out of their way to help - trash, assisting/escorting another student to the office, those kinds of things. 

3. PBIS requires that the whole school be active and participate in implementing its components - regardless of job duty.  Do you think that this approach will benefit students? If so, why?

I do think it benefits students.  Kids get excited about earning PAWS and the PAW shop - it helps them to care about their school overall. By reinforcing our 3 expectations, kids know that they can expect to earn PAWs for good behavior instead of bad behavior.

What I like most about my role here (when it comes to addressing behavior), is that every day is a new day for all of us.  If a student had a bad day yesterday, I reinforce with them that today is a fresh start and that they are able  to make better choices today.

4. Is there anything about the way that Markham approaches/implements PBIS that you would change? 

Sometimes I feel that the kids who are shy can be overlooked, and that the students with  either really good, or else really bad, behavior are focused on more.  I think that PBIS works very well for students with existing behavior issues, but maybe not so much for those that consistently are good.

5.  Imagine that you are able to receive Paws as an adult for good behavior.  What reward would you choose to spend your Paws on, if the # of Paws did not matter?
(ex: favorite food, a trip to ______, a day in bed, etc.)

Well, I would use my PAWs to buy gift cards to Nugget, Safeway, or Lucky - that way all of the support staff wouldn't have to worry about lunch each day :)


Citizenship Awards...

This month is flying by.  Please remember to choose ONE student in your classroom that has exemplified Honesty ALL MONTH.  Click on the Blue Responsibility link to list your student NOW.  Other students you would like to recognize can be praised by using Good News Referrals and PAWS, which each staff member has received.

Timberwolf Tip...

The learning spaces we create directly shape our students into the individuals we want them to become. An extensive amount of research shows that there is a strong relationship between a school's social environment and students' learning and growth (Schaps). 

When students’ basic psychological needs (safety, belonging, autonomy, and competence) are satisfied, they are more likely to: 
  • Become engaged in school (school bonding)
  • Act in accord with school goals and values
  • Develop social skills and understanding
  • Contribute to the school and the community

When schools fail to meet students’ needs for belonging, competence, and autonomy, students are more likely to become:
  • Less motivated
  • More alienated

  • Poorer academic performers
Here is the link to the original article - 

Markham Shout Outs....

Alicia Blacknell- Alicia was available and willing to help if I needed her.

Karen, Diana, Jessica, Emily, Alex, Jose- I want to appreciate their hard work on planning and carrying out our Math Night. I am very proud of our staff for stepping up and working hard to create great opportunities for our parents to be involved in their children's learning!

Karen Sellers and The EXCEL Team- You are doing an awesome job giving support to our kindergarteners. The growth that they have made since the beginning of the year is positively phenomenal. We can really see it here in class. Thank you for all your hard work and thinking.

Gina Herrera- Gina, you are so great with the students in TK. You know exactly how to support them and me so that we can get the best out of our students. In addition, thank you for all the help you give on your own time to our kindergarten class.

Erin Leggett and Andrea Lara- I am so lucky to have gotten the chance to coach GOTR with Embracing Erin and Ambitious Andrea. Its hard to believe that 10 weeks have gone by!!! Tuesdays and Thursdays w. GOTR were truly the highlights of my week, and while this is bc of the incredible girls for SURE, it is also bc of everything that you both bring to our program. I truly could not think of two more amazing women to coach with, and am so thankful that our paths crossed through GOTR!!! XOXO - Loco Lisa

Tootie "Ninja" Thompson- Tootie is like a ninja. On the surface, shes incredibly kind and committed and an MVP @ Markham. But then her ninja skills come out at random times, and you are doubled over in laughter or beyond amazed when she works with students who have significant learning and behavior needs. She is authentic, creative, hilarious, compassionate, incredibly smart, and giving of her time and energy (even when you know she has none left:). YOU ROCK, TOOTIE!

The 5th and 6th Grade Teams- The 5th and 6th grade level teams are (to quote the students) LIT. Seriously, they are like the Dream Team. They're like the mid 90's Philadelphia Phillies (as in Kruk, Dykstra, Daulton, Schilling era) - totally in sync with each other, bringing 100% every day, shutting down the haters (ok the last one was a stretch, but you get my drift). I watch them take behavior and classroom management to new heights, and creatively solve student problems. These teams treat students respectfully and with regard, which is reflected in student performance and motivation. I have never worked in a school where 5th and 6th graders show up EARLY to class just for extra time (wether academic or 1:1) with their teacher. You can tell that the 5th/6th graders love being a part of their class, and it is like a mini Markham community. Keep up the great work!!!!

Stephanie Jones- She is always there to help me.

Mr. Soler and Heaher- Thank you so much, Mr. Soler, for purchasing the PreReferral Intervention Manuals (PRIM) for each grade level. I distributed them this week at grade level collaboration, and I know that they will be a resource that keeps on giving!!! We are appreciative of your support on all fronts - thank you!

And Heather, thank you for ordering/tracking these - I know its just one of the many gazillion things you do in a day, but it felt like Christmas when you told me they were here:)

Alex H, Emily, Dorothy, Hilda, Omar, Nakaren, Carly, Laura, Maddie, Hannah, Jennie Rae, Gabby, Heather, Cortney, Jessica, Samantha, Teresa, Erin Lujan, Cindy, Yesenia, Megan, Shannon, Nakaren, Christin, Stephanie S, Mr. Vanhoy, and Karen S for subscribing to the blog on time.  
Let out a happy "howl" here -  Markham's Staff is HOWLing....

Staff Reminders 

ELD visits

Denise Fracchia and friends would like to come out to see how our ELD template implementation is going. I realize that for some of you, you have not started using the ELD template. If at all possible, please begin working with it as best you can. We need to make sure that we are complying with the legal mandate to teach ELD in a protected block. The the dates that the DO team will be here are: Monday December 5th and Friday December 9th.

GLAD Training

There is a another wave of GLAD training that will get underway in March, Those attending during this wave are:
Cortney Baker
Karen Guy
Laura Vanhoy
Natalie Sylvester
Hilda Millan
Erin Leggett

I will continue to send teachers to GLAD training next year until all that desire the training receive it.

Staff Retreat

I have asked Alicia to begin planning for a staff retreat in Lake Tahoe this summer.  My desire is to give teachers a special time for GLAD unit planning and for planning as a grade level. I would also like to do a few fun activities together as a staff. Details to follow!

Parent and Student Survey

There will be a survey going out to parents and students beginning on December 5th. Parents will receive a link to a google form that is a survey of our school. We will have the link on the web site as well as send it out via email and text. We plan to have computers set up in the office to assist parents that do not have a computer. A paper survey will also be available. Students in grades 1-6 will take their survey on a google form on their computer at school. Please take time to allow your students to take the survey before December 22nd. December will be the data gathering period and January will be the data analysis period. February will be the action period in which we begin to respond to results of the data.

School Site Council 

We had a very productive first meeting. For more details and minutes see below:

Site Council Meeting Notes-click here

Parent Teacher Conferences

I am amazed with how many parents attended their child's conference.

We had only 40 no shows for a school of 903 students. This means that 96% of our parents attended their child's conference! Absolutely fantastic! Great job to all of you for doing your utmost to get your parents in!!!! This is a sign of high parent involvement.

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